• (08) 9256 1744
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • 14 Mallaig Way, Canning Vale WA

This product range includes 6 and 12 bottle vertical cartons to suit a variety of different bottle styles, including: lean & green premium claret, premium burgundy, premium claret, punted burgundy, punted claret, and super premium claret. We also offer a multi-fit carton for holding a combination of different bottle styles. We sell dividers separately in 3 different styles: base and neck sets, standard wine box dividers, and our new state of the art pulp dividers.

Most of our Wine Cartons are available in White or Brown, so please specify which colour you would like.

If you are more interested in a lay-flat wine carton, please enquire with us today.


WLP-RSL-6K - 234x156x329 - Stock Item

WLP-RSL-6K - 234x156x329 - Stock Item

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WLP-SPC-6W - 231x154x330 - Stock Item

WLP-SPC-6W - 231x154x330 - Stock Item

Wine Cartons and Dividers
W-PRB-6UK - 263x175x295 - Stock Item

W-PRB-6UK - 263x175x295 - Stock Item

Wine Cartons and Dividers
W-PRB-6UW - 263x175x295 - Stock Item

W-PRB-6UW - 263x175x295 - Stock Item

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WL-PRB-6W - 263x175x295 - Stock Item

WL-PRB-6W - 263x175x295 - Stock Item

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WL-PRC-6W - 233x155x310 - Stock Item

WL-PRC-6W - 233x155x310 - Stock Item

Wine Cartons and Dividers
W-DIV-12E/PRB - Stock Item

W-DIV-12E/PRB - Stock Item

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WLP-PRC-12W-311x233x310-Stock Item

WLP-PRC-12W-311x233x310-Stock Item

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WLP-PC-12W - 313x234x297 - Stock Item

WLP-PC-12W - 313x234x297 - Stock Item

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WLP-PB-12W - 328x246x298 - Stock Item

WLP-PB-12W - 328x246x298 - Stock Item

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WLP-PC-6W - 234x156x297 - Stock Item

WLP-PC-6W - 234x156x297 - Stock Item

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WLP-PRC-12W-311x233x310-Stock Item

WLP-PRC-12W-311x233x310-Stock Item

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WP-6LF-MULTI - 331x251x174(H)mm

WP-6LF-MULTI - 331x251x174(H)mm

Wine Cartons and Dividers
STK-2POST - 205x105x338

STK-2POST - 205x105x338

Mailing and Postage Cartons, Wine Cartons and Dividers
 STK-2POST + Insert - 205x105x338

STK-2POST + Insert - 205x105x338

Wine Cartons and Dividers
 WL-PC-6K - 234x156x297

WL-PC-6K - 234x156x297

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WL-PRC-6K - 233x155x310

WL-PRC-6K - 233x155x310

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WL-SPC-6K - 231x154x330

WL-SPC-6K - 231x154x330

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WL-PB-6K - 246x164x298

WL-PB-6K - 246x164x298

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WL-PRB-6K - 263x175x295

WL-PRB-6K - 263x175x295

Wine Cartons and Dividers
W-STK-6NDIV - Neck Divider

W-STK-6NDIV - Neck Divider

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WL-30570-12K - 302x227x297

WL-30570-12K - 302x227x297

Wine Cartons and Dividers
 WL-30700-12K - 295x221x308

WL-30700-12K - 295x221x308

Wine Cartons and Dividers
 WL-PB-12K - 328x246x298

WL-PB-12K - 328x246x298

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WL-PC-12K - 313x234x297

WL-PC-12K - 313x234x297

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WL-PRC-12K - 311x233x310

WL-PRC-12K - 311x233x310

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WL-SPC-12K - 308x231x330

WL-SPC-12K - 308x231x330

Wine Cartons and Dividers
WL-PRB-12W - 355x264x295

WL-PRB-12W - 355x264x295

Wine Cartons and Dividers
W-STK-12BDIV - 12B Base Divider

W-STK-12BDIV - 12B Base Divider

Wine Cartons and Dividers
W-STK-12GENP - 362x269x332

W-STK-12GENP - 362x269x332

Wine Cartons and Dividers
W-STK-12NDIV-Neck Divider

W-STK-12NDIV-Neck Divider

Wine Cartons and Dividers
W-DIV-12E - 12B Divider

W-DIV-12E - 12B Divider

Wine Cartons and Dividers
W-DIV-6E - 6B Divider

W-DIV-6E - 6B Divider

Wine Cartons and Dividers
W-DIV-6BG - 495x290

W-DIV-6BG - 495x290

Wine Cartons and Dividers